Allison Wilkes
November 7, 2018
Professor Chung
I attended the Penn State AMA Regional Conference on Friday, October 19th, 2018. I attended this event with the Chatham Marketing Association. The event's theme was Marketing for the Future: Artificial Intelligence. (https://www.wearepsama.com/psama/) There we listened to three speakers: Matt Petitjean: Industry Leader with Google (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattpetitjean/ ), Jennifer Thorpe: Operations Director from Jellyfish (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-thorpe-6402526/ ), David Yorke: CEO from Umpires Media.
Matt Petitjean is the industry leader for Google. He was talking about the theme of the conference, artificial intelligence. He was talking about how artificial intelligence is changing the world and all the advancements it has brought on. There was a video of a boy who used artificial intelligence to find a better way of detecting breast cancer was played. HIs presentation stemmed around all the advancements that have been brought about because of AI and where AI is leading us.
The second speaker was Jennifer Thorpe who is the operations director for Jellyfish. Jellyfish is an award-winning, full-service digital marketing agency. Jellyfish is an award-winning, full-service digital marketing agency. Jennifer was talking about how her company is using AI to make their jobs easier and more effective.
The third speaker we listened to was David Yorke who is the CEO of Umpires Media. They are He was talking to us about using AI to create an interactive fan experience in baseball. Umpires media is making moves to us artificial intelligence to allow the fan to choose what happens in the game and what calls the umpires should make.
All three of the speakers primary talked about artificial intelligence, which was talked about in the book as well under Information Systems. As defined by the book artificial intelligence is the science of developing computer systems that can mimic human behavior. The book mentions how artificial intelligence has always been on the verge of being the next big thing. I feel like this is true because even though so much has already been done with artificial intelligence, there is still so many more advancements that can be done and so much more that is being learned through artificial intelligence.
I chose an article from Mckinsey & Company that talks about artificial intelligence and why it becoming critical for businesses to get involved with. The article was called “The promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence.” The article and the speeches we heard were similar in that they were talking about the future being artificial intelligence and how important it is for businesses to adapt to the world of artificial intelligence. The article begins by talking about how AI has integrated its way into out real-world applications like Siri and Alexa that we barely think of it as being artificial intelligence. It says that embracing AI has considerable benefits for businesses through its productivity growth and innovation. The article backs up what the book says in saying that for years now people have been saying that AI is the next big thing. It talks about how even though AI is very promising, it still has a lot more scientific data to really unlock the true potential on AI. The article also talks about the benefits AI could have on the economy as well through lifting the global economy and increasing global prosperity. AI can also stand to change the workplace environment entirely by taking some jobs normally done by humans and replacing them with AI which can be both good and bad. The article also talks about the societal benefits AI can have. AI can be beneficial because it can take away the problems caused by human error and take away the danger of humans being in unsafe workplaces. As well as, as mentioned by Matt Petitjean in his speech, early detection of cancerous molecules.
In recent news I found an article talking about the impact artificial intelligence could have on doctors jobs. The article was called “Could artificial intelligence make doctors obsolete?” and was the BMJ. The article talks about the move for AI in medicine. One point it touched on was that AI can learn without the biases of schooling or culture affect its judgment. It also talks about the efficiency AI machines have and the way they learn the information. When the science is done correctly, the machine can never fail. However, many say that the human connection is what draws people to human physicians and empathy is what many seek from their doctor. Machines can never match this type of human interaction. However, the point of adding AI to medicine is still something being experimented by many. This related back to what we heard in the speeches because they were all talking about how AI is integrating itself into every field and how important it is to be open to the changes AI is bringing to our world and how we as a society are becoming more reliant on AI in our everyday lives.
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