
Allison Wilkes
 November 8, 2018
Professor Chung IA05: Reflect on a guest lecture Reflect on a Guest Lecture

Sandra Taylor 
 Sandra Taylor was the former Senior Vice President of Corporate Responsibility for Starbucks for five years. She now works here at Chatham she is a Falk School of Business professor specializing in teaching Socially Responsible Business. Dr. Taylor’s lecture circulated around talking about Business in the Global Environment. Dr. Taylor is passionate about and an advocate for corporate responsibility and environmentally sustainable business practices, both globally and locally. I chose Dr. Taylor’s lecture because it directly correlates to what I wish to study in college. The main things I took away from Dr. Taylor’s lecture was her talking about international business and how socially responsibility ties into that. She gave examples of social responsibility initiatives in the world of international business and how they correlate together. She also touched on things like trade and trade barriers and free trade.
 Dr. Taylor’s lecture relates directly back to what we learned in chapter 4 and chapter 9. Chapter 4 centers around corporate social responsibility. By the book's definition of corporate social responsibility is the approach that an organization takes in balancing its responsibilities toward different stakeholders when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions. This was heavily discussed by Dr. Taylor in her lecture. She talked about the corporate social responsibility efforts that have been put into effect in recent years. Dr. Taylor shared her personal experience working for Starbucks, a brand that is making heavy moves to becoming a more socially responsible brand. She also talked heavily about international business and the opportunities it has. International business is talked about in chapter 9 of the book. This chapter talks about imports, exports, licensing, and franchising. This was something Dr. Taylor discussed in detail. She explained to us the differences between licensing and franchising in the international aspect. An international licensing agreement allows a foreign company to sell the products of a producer to use its intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, in exchange for royalty fees. An international franchise is agreement, a company grants a foreign company the right to use its brand name and to sell its products or services. In Dr. Taylor’s discussion she talked about these differences and brought them back to her experience working for Starbucks. Dr. Taylor had talked about Starbucks opening a store in Italy and made it clear to us that this store would be a franchise because they are selling their product. She made the process of international licensing and franchising very clear to us all and explained in great detail.
 Recently, I have been seeing Corporate Social Responsibility all over the news. It is becoming more of a topic that people are thinking of more heavily and becoming something that is required of businesses. I recently saw an article from Forbes called “The World's Most Reputable Companies For Corporate Responsibility 2018.” This article talked about exactly what we were talking about in class. This article talks about how large businesses like Google are making more moves to become socially responsible businesses. This article also highlights businesses that are making moves in the coming years to improve their packing and overall brand initiative to become more sustainable. Becoming a more socially responsible brand is not only improving the environment, but also improving the overall view of the company. Being socially responsible is good business because people are starting to care more about this and it gives the brand a better view.
 I chose an article from Sustainable Brands called “More Americans Staying Informed; Increasing Scrutiny of Business, Government.” This article talked about what Dr. Taylor was speaking about which is how corporate social sustainability is something that is becoming more and more desirable and expected from brands. This article cited a survey done that found that there is a five year peak of more people reading sustainability reports. It has been found that more Americans are beginning to place greater responsibility on the government, businesses, and themselves to be environmentally conscious. This move is what Dr. Taylor was talking about, she was talking about the benefits in business of having this background in social responsibility because it is becoming an important part of today's business both within the U.S. and globally.
Sandra Taylor LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-e-taylor-50071a10/

Work Cited

FlatWorld Online Reader. (2018). Scholar.flatworldknowledge.com. Retrieved 8 November 2018,

from http://scholar.flatworldknowledge.com/books/30862/collins-ch03_s02/read

Valet, V. (2018). The World's Most Reputable Companies For Corporate Responsibility 2018.

Forbes. Retrieved 8 November 2018, from



More Americans Staying Informed; Increasing Scrutiny of Business, Government. (2018).

sustainablebrands.com. Retrieved 8 November 2018, from




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